Best 20 Faux Locs Hairstyle Ideas That Anyone Can Easily Try

What Are Faux Locs?

Faux locs are provisional locs that are made from human hair or synthetic extensions of hair. They are specially designed for anyone looking to rock the dreadlock look without having to commit long-term.

Faux Locs

You will find faux locs to be preferable to many because as opposed to natural dreadlocks they only take a few hours to prepare from start to finish. Natural dreadlocks on the other hand require a lot of commitment and could take months or even years to reach maturity.

With that information in mind, it is high time that you learn how to do faux locs.

Step By Step Instructions For How To Do Faux Locs

Are you worried that since you are not a hair expert, you cannot do faux locs on your own? Worry no more. You need no experience to start doing your own faux locs. Just follow the step-by-step guide given below and you will be fine.

Step 1: Gather the required hair products and supplies

First, you are going to have to collect all the materials you’ll need for the hairdo. It is important to note that you may not readily have all these products in your home. As such, you may have to make an order or physically buy from your local beauty supply store.

Some of the supplies you need include shampoo, conditioner, edge control, extension hair, rattail comb, wide-toothed comb, scissors, latch hook, Denman brush, and super glue.

Step 2: What type of hair do you need for a faux locs hairstyle?

There is a wide variety of hair you can use to install faux locs on your head. The one you choose mainly depends on the results or look you have in mind. Some of the most common choices include:

1) Kanekalon Hair

It is made from synthetic hair, which makes it affordable and readily available. It has a sleek and shiny look, but not a very natural one. You will need to buy 5-8 packs of hair to complete your look.

2) Human Hair

It is the most expensive hair on the market, but that is because it helps you attain the most natural look of faux locs. Due to the expensive nature of human hair, people opt for synthetic hair. If you decide to go with the natural hair bundles, buy at least 5 of them for the best results.

3) Marley Hair

It has a kinkier texture than the Kanekalon hair, which makes it perfect for faux locs. You can achieve a perfectly natural, kinky, and frizzy look with Marley’s hair. With 4-8 packs of hair, you can easily achieve a complete look.

4) Crochet Faux Locs

Crocheting hair is the best invention yet. It allows you to avoid the hustle of wrapping hair, which can be quite tiresome and time-consuming. Besides being pretty, they also look realistic. Also, you don’t need a fixed amount of hair, you need to buy as much as you want to put on your head. Part your hair and count the sections to figure out the number of crochet locs you have to purchase.

Step 3: Prepare your natural hair for the installation of faux locs

1: Clean your hair and Condition it

2: Detangle your hair

3: Moisturize your hair

4: Stretch your hair: You can use a blow dryer, bands, or braids to stretch it

Step 4: Install your faux locs

There are two main installation procedures for your faux locs. These include: crochet faux locs and the wrapping faux locs method.

1. Crochet Faux Locs

It is the fastest method for installing your Faux locs. You can also purchase and install ready-made loss, in a few easy steps as described below.

  1. Use a rattail comb to section your hair. Use edge control to lay down your hair on the borders of each section before crocheting each loc. You can target a total of 50 locs or more depending on the desired thickness of your locs.
  2. Hydrate your scalp by generously applying oil between sections
  3. Braid each section and use a latch hook to install the locs at the base of each
  4. Locate the loop at the tip of the crochet loc and hook it to the tip of the latch needle
  5. After closing the end of the latch needle, pull the locked crochet through the base of your section at least 3 inches in
  6. Remove the latch needle and link the tip of the loc with its base using the hole created and pull it through
  7. Pullout the hook through the middle of the faux loc until you reach the base of your hair
  8. Using your latch hook, fasten your natural hair to the faux loc braid
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 until you complete all your sections

2. Wrapping Faux Locs

Although more cumbersome than the crochet method, installing faux locs using the wrapping method is quite popular. Follow the steps below for complete faux locs using the wrapping method.

  1. Section your hair, and use edge control to lay down the hairs on the borders of each section. Braid each section down to the tip. You can target a total of 50 locs or more depending on the desired thickness.
  2. Hydrate your scalp by generously applying oil between sections
  3. Divide your extension hair into sections that match the thickness of your natural hair.
  4. Install the parted extension hair on your head by crocheting it to the base of your natural hair.
  5. Pull one side of the faux loc hair through and hold the other end using your other hand.
  6. Adjust the hair to the length you want your faux locs to be
  7. Part a section of air from each side of your extension hair, and crotchet it from the base of your natural hair.
  8. With the longest side of your extension hair wrap, the rest of the hair from the bottom goes up
  9. Secure the ends using a little bit of super glue.
  10. Repeat steps iii through ix until you finish wrapping each braided section
  11. Chop down any stray hairs from the ends, and enjoy your new look!

How To Take Out Faux Locs?

You can easily remove your faux locs in four simple steps. Follow the step below once you are ready to take out your faux locs.

  1. Grab one faux loc at a time
  2. Chop the burned end to loosen it up
  3. Unravel the loc till you reach the tip of your hair
  4. Once you detach the loc from your hair, unravel your hair to ensure it’s detangled.

Top 20 Best Faux Locs Hairstyle Ideas You Can Easily Try

Are you thinking of rocking this beautiful faux locs hairstyle? Well, besides being currently in style, it looks really dope too. Also, celebrities such as Rihanna, Megan Good, Taraji P. Henson, Willow Smith, Zendaya, and many others are rocking faux locs right now.

There are so many ideas you can go with when rocking faux locs. You can wear a different style every day for as long as you are in faux locs. Below are some sizzling faux locs styles and ideas you can try. You can still keep innovating your own.

These 20 Faux Locs Hairstyle Ideas provide you with an easy guide on how to wear your fake dreadlocks and inspire you to innovate your own ideas as well.

1. Dreadlocks With A Curl

Dreadlocks With A Curl

This is a favorite of many people going the faux locs way. The curls at the tips are completely breathtaking. It has gorgeous spirals that make it the perfect hairdo for any occasion.

2. Side Swept Locs With Beads

Side Swept Locs With Beads

Rocking faux locs has never been sexier than with this accessorized side sweep style. Whether you decide to go all out with your accessories or be subtle, just make sure you position them perfectly so they highlight your features.

3. Dreadlock Braids With Side Undercut

Dreadlock Braids With Side Undercut

This look is bananas! It exudes confidence and individuality. It allows you to exercise your creativity and expressiveness by combining a shave and your new dreadlocks.

4. Curly Yarn Locs Burn

Curly Yarn Locs Burn

You are going to make a statement and set standards with this hairdo. Gather your faux locs in one huge bun, and remember to lay the baby hairs smoothly for a great finish and an exquisite look.

5. Side Part Locs With Beads

Side Part Locs With Beads

Free yourself and let your hair enjoy the breeze with this side-part look. The hair already looks amazing, so leave it loose so it makes a statement all on its own. Besides, it helps you save time that you would otherwise use to style your hair.

6. Big S Curls

Big S Curls

Rock this look in the summer. The bouncy curls will always boost your look. They are lightweight and easily manageable whether left loose or in a kinky updo.

7. Long Straight Layered Locs

Long Straight Layered Locs

It is amongst the top styling options for long faux locs rockers! Use beads to accessorize or keep it simple; either way, it is still stylish. The side part makes you look a lot more stunning and fierce.

8. Locs With Curly Tips

Locs With Curly Tips

These crochet babes are the most amazing locs ever! They offer you the best of two worlds: the spectacle of long straight hair plus the calming effect of curly tips. They do generally come with a whole lot of styling options.

9. Goddess Faux Locs

Goddess Faux Locs

These goddess faux locs ignite the goddess in you and give you a protective style. Installing your faux locs helps you grow out your hair and protects it from damage.

10. Brightly Colored Locs

Brightly Colored Locs

These brightly colored locs make you’re overall looking a lot livelier. To integrate your look in a stylish sense, keep the do simple and easy since the color alone is doing a whole lot.

11. Caramel Faux Dread Locs

Caramel Faux Dread Locs

Explore this soft and cushy caramel color during the summer. These locs are quite eye-catching and lovable, besides you can style them however you want. They are the perfect complement to all your pretty summer outfits.

12. Thick Loose Dreadlocks

Thick Loose Dreadlocks

The voluminous hair has always been in style, but even more so now with the option of these sassy faux locs. Try dying the locs to match your skin tone. You will enjoy their versatility, but more so their lightweight and easy maintenance.

13. Bold Burgundy Locs With Beads

Bold Burgundy Locs With Beads

Dramatic, huh? You will love it! Rock this striking color to gain the attention of the crowd wherever you go. Short faux locs are quite the look.

14. Medium Length Crochet Locs

Medium Length Crochet Locs

Do these medium-length faux locs if you want to take a break from long hairdos. Use beads, ribbons, elastics, or any accessories to achieve a more mesmerizing look.

15. Crochet Locs With Shaved Sides

Crochet Locs With Shaved Sides

It is the best short hairstyle for you. If you have a more edgy personality. This rocker-chic look, inspired by the Mohawk hairdo, is fresh and striking.

16. Braid And Pony For Locs

Braid And Pony For Locs

Perfect for the hot weather. Wear it in a ponytail or a bun to keep it off your face and back. A high ponytail look should go well with any outfit you choose to wear.

17. Updo With Beads

Updo With Beads

This bun or ponytail look is amazing for your formal events. Get your inspiration from this look and wear this hairdo, how you see suits you best. Leave out a little bit of hair to freely lay on your back, while the rest sits beautifully in a bun on top of your head platinum updo with a bun.

These are exemplary for their diversity in color provision. You can literally change the color of your hair extensions whenever which allows you to experiment with different colors and shades. Grab as many extensions as you can; different colors for different occasions.

18. Big Bun With Etched Sides

Big Bun With Etched Sides

Diversity is the goal! Achieve it with these long faux locs. Whether you are going for a ponytail, twists, chignons, or a bun, bright flashes of color go amazing with their soft brown tone.

19. Pastel Blue Thin Locs

Pastel Blue Thin Locs

Freeform locs are stunning, but if it is not a possibility at the moment you can still use extensions from yarn, Marley hair, human hair, or even kanekalon hair. Their color and texture never disappoint.

20. Bulky Messy Bun

Bulky Messy Bun

Piling your succulent dreadlocks on top of your head gives you an effortless royal look. If you choose to let them loose, you will still rock this do amazingly.

Gina Alvarez

Content Creator at Always Ful

Myself Gina Alvarez. I am a Creative Wordmonger & Content Creator of Always Ful. ...

Best 20 Faux Locs Hairstyle Ideas That Anyone Can Easily Try


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